Apex Aim Trainer: How to improve aim in Apex Legends

Follow the best aim training guide to improve your Apex aim faster! Be a champion again and again!

Train for Apex now!(I'll read the full guide later)
Frederik - Former Pro Player

“Train every aim skill until they become second nature!”

How to improve your aim in Apex Legends?

It is important for getting better in Apex Legends to first realize that it is the first triple-A FPS game that combines Battle Royale gameplay with hero specific abilities. What sets Apex Legends apart from other Battle Royale games is the unique mix of cool movement mechanics, simple yet effective gunplay and really good communication/UI system. This guide includes tips on how to improve, what is relevant to train for this game, settings recommendations and a practice routine. The game doubles down on swift movement and precise gunplay - both relate heavily to aiming. Here having exceptional aim is very important if you want to see the champions screen.

The Time-to-Kill in Apex Legends on average goes higher than 3 seconds and, depending on the weapons and shields, wiping an enemy can take way longer that that. This aim-centered approach is different from what you might find in other games like PUBG or COD. Training with 3D aim trainer can lead to an average improvement of 20-30% in long-term aim performance in FPS games. This training has a direct impact on how many of your bullets make contact with the enemy, effectively reducing the TTK. When you are maximizing the damage you cause and minimizing the damage you take you will spend less time in battle and keep your item consumption in check. Start with improving the skills that make the most difference for the game's key features listed below. The Apex Legends training routine on this page shows how to combine the different exercises correctly.

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How to practice your aim in Apex Legends with 3D Aim Trainer

When it comes to routines the golden rule to improve your aim in Apex Legends is: train every day for half an hour, not once a week for 3 hours.

To Get Better Aim In Apex, Do This:

As this is a high time-to-kill game, targets require you to shoot longer at them. To practice for this scenario you need 3D Aim Trainer because it gives you access to training routines with the most suitable exercises.

High-quality tracking practice is what you need to keep your crosshair on the target. You shouldn't forget exercises for the other important aim skills too. Don't just limit yourself to tracking, because you will create imbalances in your aim. To put this concept into practice for an Apex Aim Trainer routine follow this:

Remember: Start with the basic difficulty levels where available! When you get a gold medal on all Basic levels - move to the Intermediate difficulty. It's normal to advance faster in some levels while you struggle in others.

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Apex Legends key features

  • 3-member team play Battle Royale
  • Employment of hero abilities called ultimates
  • Aim-centric gameplay
  • Very high Time to Kill
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Required skills

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What to train for your Apex Legends Aim?

For your Apex Legends aim it is necessary to train the following essential aspects:

  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Quick aim flicking that spills into tracking
  • Steady and accurate aim tracking
  • Aim reaction time as fast as possible

Dominating these attributes of your aim game while using an Apex Aim Trainer like ours would dramatically increase your chances of winning. Here's a detailed breakdown of what to train:

Time to Kill

Time to Kill

High Time-To-Kill requires you to act fast. Start with hand-eye coordination - practice to turn it into an unconscious thing that you do. Then tracking precision steps in. When you master both of them you reduce the time required to kill the opponent.

Target tracking

Target Tracking

Practicing tracking improves your ability to follow enemies and anticipate their moves. Precise mouse control is desired to smoothly track the target's movement with your crosshair. It comes with practice. Slow down or stand still for easier tracking control.



Experiment with both right and left side flicks horizontally, add some vertical flick shots too. Flicking on multi-axial planes is important here, but start horizontal first.



Work out to quickly acquire targets. These are exercises for moving your crosshair to a target and taking a shot from various angles. Start slowly to aim for precision and gradually increase your speed.



Frequent practice is good for your muscle memory which in turn benefits reaction time. If you react faster you will often start tracking the enemies before they start tracking you.

Practice for Apex Legends

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Why do these aim exercises work for this game?

The aim exercises in the training routine work because:

1. They make it easier for you to play quick aim games which create a training pattern that emulates in-game scenarios driven by the gameplay requirements of the game - aim tracking and mouse accuracy, hand-eye coordination, quick flicks and faster reaction time.

2. Creating a habit to practice and being consistent using an aim training routine both generate the perfect environment for long-term improvement in your Apex aim. Keeping up with the training tips and guidelines above will allow you to sustain your progress and build upon it.

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Apex Legends graphics settings

When it comes to FPS games, spotting your enemy as fast and as easily as possible is key towards success. Tweaking your graphics settings can be a major asset as it improves visibility for you. These settings should be adjusted in Apex Legends for the best possible vision.

Interact Prompt Style - Compact / Button Hints - OFF / Ping Opacity - Faded One of the most important Fortnite tips is to learn how to shoot at an angle, where the tactics depend on your location from the target, so if you’re shooting from high ground, check which direction your enemy is moving and shoot where they are headed. For low ground shooting situations, and especially when using sniper rifles, anticipate your enemy’s movement, take into account bullet travel speed and adjust your shot to be slightly above their head for headshots or their upper torso for body shots.

V-Sync - OFF V-sync creates input lag so put this one OFF. Adaptive Resolution FPS Target - 0 Texture resolution scaling depending on your frames per second output is something you should avoid as it creates inconsistency and texture popping so put it on “0”.

Adaptive Resolution FPS Target - 0 Texture resolution scaling depending on your frames per second output is something you should avoid as it creates inconsistency and texture popping so put it on “0”.

Anti-Aliasing (AA) - TXAA If it hurts your FPS performance, turn it off. Texture Filtering – Bilinear Anti-aliasing has no significant impact on Apex Legends but if it hurts your FPS performance turn it off

Best audio & visual settings for Apex

Ambient Occlusion Quality - Disabled Ambient occlusion is an advanced lightning effect which makes lightning and shadows more dynamic, the effect is that dark areas are even darker and bright areas are brighter. This makes enemies harder to spot in dark areas as the surrounding is darker than when turned OFF.

Volumetric Lighting - Disabled Volumetric Lighting – Disabled

Sun - Spot - Dynamic Shadow - Low In contrast to Rainbow Six or CS:GO shadows aren’t that important in Apex Legends and eat performance, you can turn it to low, but it’s more of a personal preference.

Impact Marks - Disabled You don’t want to be reminded every time you shoot a bullet into the wall instead of at your enemy, reducing clutter and improving visibility, so turn it off.

Model Detail - High You want to see your enemies as clear and sharp as possible

Effects Detail - Low You don’t want flashy effects cluttering your vision in combat so set this on low.

Ragdolls - Low You shouldn’t care about enemies that are dead and so does your GPU, turn it on low.

Field of View (FOV) This is personal, but for a Battle Royale game like Apex Legends where the enemies can come from all sides, increasing it a bit might be a good idea. Between 90 – 105. (= 105 – 119 Hor. FOV) are about the limits. Just a fast reminder, for best settings for Apex Legends

High FOV You see more of the visible world at any given moment, making objects smaller, keeping a better overview of your surroundings as enemies can come from any direction. Easier to compensate for recoil as the FOV is higher the weapon is smaller and so is the recoil pattern. Enemies are smaller and therefore harder to hit. Increases the pincushion effect as the object will be a lot bigger at the edge of your display than in the middle.

Low FOV You see less of the visible world at any given moment, making objects bigger and details sharper making it easier to focus and spot enemies when you know where to look for. Weapon recoil patterns are harder to control. Enemies are bigger and easier to hit

Sprint Shake - Minimal A given, you want your screen image to wobble as less as possible when sprinting.

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Train for Apex Legends

Apex Legends PC requirements for the mouse & keyboard

Mouse Sensitivity (25 – 45cm / 360° turn) As always, we recommend sticking to the mouse sensitivity you are used to as it translates the fastest to a new game. If you are new, I recommend a 360° character spin between 25 – 45 cm for Apex legends. FYI: I personally use 36cm, but that’s just a habit, if I were starting now 30-32 cm is about the sweet spot for a balanced aim between tracking and flicking. If you need to convert your sensitivity you can use our Apex Legends Sensitivity Converter.

ADS Mouse Sensitivity Multiplier – 1.00 Apex Legends is using the Vertical Monitor Distance Matching technique for calculating your sensitivity between various scopes, x1.00 is the default value and I would stick to it as it gives the most natural feel between various scopes, but clearly that’s your own preference.

Mouse Acceleration - OFF Let's not state the obvious, but no false acceleration when moving your mouse around!

Got Questions?

We hope this aim trainer guide was useful on how to improve in game and if you have any questions, please join our Discord Community.

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