Rust Aim Trainer Guide: A crazy routine that helps you improve

Loving Rust but can't aim at all? This guide is for you!

Train now!(I'll read the full guide later)
Andystudio - Rust Player

“I used to be so bad that I couldn't even hit a still target.”

How to improve your aim in Rust?

Rust was released more than 8 years ago but it still attracts huge interest from FPS players around the world who are looking for a multiplayer survival video game. Realising that you are not among the best in Rust may make you feel a bit sad, but stay cool - getting better isn't an impossible challenge! The important things about improving in Rust are related to how the gameplay is organized and what skill set you'd need in order to cover its requirements. You may face some problems, but it is crucial to adapt to Rust's very slow bullet speeds and very high recoil weaponry. Due to the nature of the game you will also need to be comfortable with aiming under pressure, which means you need to dedicate some practice on this specifically.

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How to practice your aim in Rust with 3D Aim Trainer

When it comes to routines the golden rule to improve your aim in Rust is to train every day for half an hour, not once a week for 3 hours.

The Crazy Rust Aim Training Routine

To practice your aim in Rust with 3D Aim Trainer you need to follow the most suitable exercises on the platform that promote improvement in the aim skills required for Rust.

The Rust Aim Trainer routine below comprises of all these highly targeted exercises created by former PRO players which will help you improve your aim in Rust!

Remember: Start with the basic difficulty levels where available! When you get a gold medal on all Basic levels - move to the Intermediate difficulty. It's normal to advance faster in some levels while you struggle in others.

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Rust key features

  • Multiplayer survival game
  • Maps with fixed and moving targets at various ranges
  • Weapons with high recoil
  • Extreme pressure situations
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Required skills

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What to train for your Rust Aim?

To train for your Rust aim properly, you need to center your Rust aim practice around exercises geared towards the following:

  • Muscle memory and hand-eye coordination
  • Control your weapon and aim accuracy
  • Take cover and position properly
  • Stay calm and practice for pressure

Bump up your skills in these 4 directions and you will start succeeding in Rust. Using 3D Aim Trainer for Rust aim practice is the fastest way to achieve this because:

Muscle Memory

Muscle Memory

Muscle memory is important for any FPS game, but for improving your aim in Rust it is crucial because it will allow you to improve your reaction time and let you unconsciously get better in reacting to the changes in environment, which would also help with controlling your stress levels.

Weapons Control

Weapons Control

Mastering your aim in Rust involves deep control and knowledge on spray patters, bullet drop, travel time and trajectories. All this at different target ranges!



Position is everything! Stay behind cover and always run from cover to cover whenever possible, staying away from the open areas. Spending less time exposed means you will get more time to aim at targets.



All of the previous points require you to practice in order to improve each of them. Practicing for Rust is the best way to prepare your mind, eyes, reflexes and aim for the high-pressure battles.

Practice for Rust

Ready to become a pro?

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Why do these aim exercises work for this game?

The exercises in this Rust aim routine work because:

1. They allow you to work out your basic aim mechanics necessary to train your muscle memory, accuracy and speed of your aim and crosshair positioning. This will have a reflection on your in-game performance. To increase the speed of your accurate aim movements you must try flick training.

2. The focused practice on your aim skill fundamentals for Rust will build your confidence in your own skills and will help you stay calm in high-pressure competitive FPS situations which are the essence of this game. Additionally, thanks to the aim tracking workouts in this routine, you will finally fix your shaky aim.

Start playing now, it's free!

Train for Rust
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Bonus: The Best Rust Settings for smooth and no-lag play!

It's important to see the fps you get when playing Rust and make sure you are playing with the best settings for your machine. Optimizing your PC settings brings you closer to winning.

In-game Rust settings In FPS games like Rust you need to balance between the high FPS and sharp visuals - it’s important to clearly see your enemy as much as possible, that’s why it’s highly recommended to tweak the in-game graphics settings in order to get the best visibility and performance available.

Screen Resolution - Native With Mode set to exclusive.

VSync - OFF This will allow for the lowest input lag. Keep graphic quality at 4 also. This is a good compromise between good FPS and acceptable visuals.

Shadow Quality – 1 Shadow quality is important because with open environment maps the shadows can be quite taxing. Set also Shadow Cascades - Four Cascades and Max shadow lights - 0.

Water Quality – 1 Water and its appearance in Rust seems like a big weight on the system. Set also Water reflections - 0 and World Reflections - 1 for an optimized performance.

Anisotropic Filtering – 1 Keep this setting to the lowest, higher values produce very grainy graphics. Also keep Parallax mapping at 0 and grass displacement as off, but if you have trouble finding objects on the ground - turning it on will make it a little easier.

Mesh Quality We recommend the following for all the mesh quality settings: Particle Quality: 0, Object Quality: 150, Tree Quality: 145, Max Tree Meshes: 100, Terrain Quality: 10, Grass Quality: 50, Decor Quality: 0

Anti-Aliasing - TSSAA We think this is the best option that produces clear and sharp texture quality while preserving good visuals for long-range objects on the Rust map.

Depth Of Field - OFF Depth of Field should be kept off on Rust otherwise you may experience some blurriness in long distances. Keep turned off also the following: Ambient Occlusion, High-Quality Bloom, Motion Blur, Sun Shafts, Sharpen, Vignetting

Field of View - 90 This setting depends on your own situation - your distance to the monitor and your monitor size. So iit is better to start with FOV 90 and experiment to see if increasing or decreasing it makes more sense for you.

Got Questions?

We hope this aim trainer guide was useful on how to improve in game and if you have any questions, please join our Discord Community.

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