Download 3D Aim Trainer to enhance your aim training experience.

Download 3D Aim Trainer
Compatible with Windows 10+
Download GG launcher

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Web Browser

For players who want to try 3D Aim Trainer quickly. No strings attached, explore and just scratch the surface of aim training.

Play on the

GG Launcher

For players who aspire to train like the PROs, rank up in their favorite FPS game, and become the teammate everyone wants!

100% Free
100% Free
Access to Pro Training Exercises and Advanced Training Routines
Hard difficulty available for all training exercises
AAA game graphics
Not supported
Full support
Potential FPS during gameplay
~ 60 FPS
Up to 400 FPS
Select a weapon from your game to train with
Auto-save training progress
Registered players only
Progress tracking
Registered players only
Rank against the competition on the leaderboards
Registered players only
Regular Aim Challenges with top SteelSeries gaming gear prizes
Priority access to the newest exercises
Screen recording of your game and aim training sessions
For free via the optional GG Moments App
Enhanced game audio with personalized game-specific presets
For free via the optional GG Sonar App
Download 3D Aim Trainer
Compatible with Windows 10+

Get familiar in 30 sec

New to 3D Aim Trainer?

3D Aim Trainer is one of the best aim trainers for FPS games. It's 100% free and has already helped more than 12Million regular players like you improve their aim in popular games like Valorant, Fortnite, COD, Apex Legends, CSGO & CS2, PUBG, Overwatch and many more.

There are hundreds of exercises you can do to train your aim and get better in your favorite game, rank up faster and get everyone compliment you on your PRO aim!

Download 3D Aim Trainer and start training.

The Best Time To Begin Working On Your Aim Is Now!

Download 3D Aim Trainer
Compatible with Windows 10+